Thursday, May 23, 2013

The View From India

Society as a whole is at such a big loss because half of it is confined by primitive social boundaries and never allowed to perform. And not because of lack of ability or motivation... 

Why should men care about gender equality both within and outside of the work context?

As I read the question above, I think about my life and role women play in it. My grandmother, my mother, my sister, my friends, my girlfriend - all the way from birth till today the amazing influences they have had on my life, on me. I care about gender equality because I care about them.

Coming from India, a country which has a strong patriarchal social structure, I see it in my day to day life how we play slaves to these norms. Society as a whole is at such a big loss because half of it is confined by primitive social boundaries and never allowed to perform. And not because of lack of ability or motivation. In fact, no one can point out any logical explanation, the reason that seems to be prominent is: "It’s like that because it has been that way!"

Thankfully, that argument does not suffice. Gender equality is not a WOMEN’s ISSUE, it’s a social issue of a society comprising of women and men. No one lives peacefully in an environment which has discrimination. Gender equality is one of the necessities of a progressive society and I think it can only be achieved by equal, active and honest participation of men and women.  

“We must become the change we want to see in the world”   -  Mahatma Gandhi

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